Besso - PCIe diagnostics - Kandou

Introducing BessoTM

Look deep inside
your PCIe system

As PCIe links get longer, retimers are becoming essential. Our user-friendly diagnostic visualization tool Besso lets you look deeper into the system, and diagnose issues faster than ever.
Watch the video Key Features

What is Besso™?

Besso is our feature-rich Microsoft Windows-based diagnostic software. All its features – like the built-in EyeScope and BER monitors, RTSSM Analyzer, and Logic Analyzer – were developed initially as internal tools for us to interrogate link activity in our RegliTM PCIe retimers. We’ve now made the dashboard available to customers, so our team and yours have an instant window into your system remotely, without interrupting links.

No more black box in the lab or field. Just rapid debugging across your system, without the need for expensive lab kit.

Why Besso™?

Diagnose quickly,
from anywhere

EyeScope and BER monitors (bathtub) for SerDes, and an RTSSM Analyzer allow you to investigate state transition on all lanes – deployed in the lab or in the field for diagnostic capturing – with link training displays from Gen 1 up to Gen 5.

Why Besso™?

Get deeper insights

Integrated Logic Analyzer allows you to see more deeply without high-cost lab equipment – interrogating error details deep inside the system triggering on a chain of upstream and downstream events.

Why Besso™?

Simple intuitive dashboard

Easy to use, simply connect to the board via standard interfaces and open Besso to visualize your system’s state – and all without interrupting the high-speed interface.

Why Besso™?

Bifurcation mode

Bifurcation mode lets you split and test links separately, like having several mini retimers in view simultaneously.

Key Features
  • EyeScope and BER monitors (bathtub) for SerDes
  • RTSSM Analyzer (state transition on all lanes)
  • KB900x Logic Analyzer supports rising / falling edge triggers on multiple signals to provide a deep view of inside the system and extract detailed information about states
  • Link training status and logging
  • TX EQ presets display
  • Firmware update
  • Internal Temp sensor visualization real-time

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